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Pre-Prep (Age 4-7)

At Vinehall we provide high-quality learning, supporting and challenging individuals as appropriate through a creative learning journey approach and engaging children’s literature. 

The curriculum is stimulating and the children enjoy a rich learning experience which is fun and full of exciting activities such as outings, interacting with visitors, gardening, exploring the woodland and cooking. A Traction Man learning journey encourages the children to set up adventure stories in the woods in order to produce big books with our friends as well as designing safety suits and pulleys to help him rescue his side-kick, Scrubbing Brush. 

The children are taught in a modern building with spacious, bright classrooms and access to the outside. The Pre-Prep has a selection of wonderful outdoor play areas as well as a designated outdoor learning area and woodland classroom. The close proximity to the Prep School enables the younger children to use all the facilities including the indoor heated swimming pool, computing suite, theatre, magnificent sports complex and playing fields. We make full use of the extensive grounds enjoying rambles through the snow in winter, growing plants in the summer and seeking the thrills of science investigations throughout the year. 

We aim for each child to develop into a confident and considerate individual and we work closely with our families. Our Pre-Prep Pals help to support positive learning dispositions; the children know to keep trying like Terry Tortoise or to take a little risk like Maisie Monkey. Each class has support from teaching assistants as well as specialist staff for PE, music, and French.  

Our holistic and nurturing approach encourages all children to reach their full potential and be the best they can be!  

Please feel free to look at our Pre-Prep Handbook below.